projects and people to realise benefits from new ideas.

MYbrainwave provide experienced professionals to help you:

Implement Innovation practices and provide thought leadership
Manage Projects, Programs, Portfolios and PMOs
Own and Drive Business Analysis capability throughout the organisation and be your business analyst on your important projects


An organisation must develop its own or acquire capability from external sources,
our people can help you mature as an organisation
and reach you capability goals.


Our insightful team of experienced: 


Innovation Alchemists






 Project, Program, Portfolio & PMO Managers






Business Analysts







Consultants and Facilitators









work with organisations throughout
Australia, Asia, North America and Europe.  

You can engage our team on short or long term engagements or let us reduce the risk of finding the right permanent employee by vetting and nominating suitable candidates. 

We specialise in Innovation Governance and prepare you to succeed
when facing a Dragon’s Den or that menacing Shark Tank.


We implement innovation systems to collect, rate and collaborate on ideas

Sit on innovation governance boards (Dragon Dens) with you to be an independent voice
and teach you how to support those growing ideas so they don't dwindle away

Impartially measure the benefits from ideas over time and check that they became real
and yielded strategic results